7 October 2014

Dr Bob Moles - a speaker at Miscarriages of Justice Symposium - Flinders University

Professor Kent Roach of Toronto University will be the Keynote Speaker at the Symposium being held by Flinders University on 7-8 November 2014.
South Australia has recently introduced a new statutory right of appeal to allow for second or further appeals in criminal cases. It is the first major change to the criminal appeal rights in Australia for over 100 years. But have they got it right?

The first major case under this new right of appeal is currently being considered by the South Australian Court of Criminal Appeal in R v Keogh. The appeal has been heard and the decision reserved.

Tasmania has announced an intention to introduce its own statutory change to the appeal rights. The Shadow Attorney-General has said they should consider improvements over the South Australian amendment. http://netk.net.au/TasmaniaHome.asp

Should we be considering a Criminal Review Commission as they have in the UK? They have overturned some 360 convictions over the last 16 years. No doubt there are many other issues to be discussed. 

We hope that you might be able to join in the discussion at this important stage.  
For any queries about organisation, accommodation or payments, please contact:
Olivia Thomas olivia.thomas@flinders.edu.au

Robert N Moles
Networked Knowledge
Phone: 08 8270 6524
Mobile: 0405 10 6524
Special upcoming conference on miscarriages of justice 7-8 November 2014 Flinders University

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